Here are some shots of our baby girl that is due to arrive in April...
11 weeks and a sharp side profile...
The reason why face shots were SOOOOOO hard to get!
26 weeks...she had her arms OVER her face AND her legs folded in front of her face as well...
22 can see some fluffy cheeks in the making...
17 weeks...still more alien than human at this point...
I went for my last ultrasound this past Friday, and she was pronounced perfect! They immediately started in on scanning her heart, she turned at just the right moment, and we got the most perfect view of her aortic tract that you could hope for! The doctor came in and scanned through all the shots, looked at me, and said, "The baby looks great! You don't need to come back anymore!" HOORAY! My prediction for this girl's appearance...well...from what I can see of her face at the 26 week shot...she looks an awful lot like her brother Cade...we shall see....
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
2 years ago