and waiting, and waiting. Anyone who knows me well, knows how much I HATE waiting! IHC Riverton is opening in just a few short hours and I am still, as of yet, not on their payroll. Labor and Delivery called me back for a third interview, it has all been kind of strange. I got a call from the recruiter stating that the nurse manager had some additional questions for me and how soon could I meet with them. I of course said whenever, name the time, I'm there! She told me to go to the hospital that Thursday at noon. Thursday came, noon arrived, and I was at the hospital, in the brand spanking new Labor and Delivery unit. I wandered around a bit, there were tons of people there, all staff doing training modules and pass-offs (lucky ducks!) I was finally able to locate the nurse manager, and she looked slightly confused to see me standing in front of her. I told her who had sent me and why as well as who I was. She told me that she remembered who I was and was happy to see me, but that she had not been told I was coming for another interview. My heart started hammering at this point and I was starting to feel kind of stupid. But she countered all that with an "I wanted to talk to you again anyway, so there is no better time than now!" Thank you! Panic attack averted.....
She took me to her office and we sat down and started to chat. She relayed to me that the recruiter had told her that I had additional questions for her. Ummmmm, welllllll, not really, the recruiter had told me that the nurse manager had additional questions for me. Things were really starting to not add up, but I refused to be swayed. We continued talking and she asked me if I had any Scrub Tech experience to which I replied that I did not. She asked me if I had any HUC experience to which I replied that I had plenty of administrative assistant experience, just not in a Health Unit Coordinator position. She asked if I could use the company computer system, to which I answered yes, and I also added that I had helped HUC's on other units assemble patient charts. That was a plus that pleased. She of course asked about my puppet shows and I told her that these were entirely negotiable - they could be rescheduled, cancelled, or performed by someone else...not an obstacle at all. She then started ruminating about how soon she could work me into a scrub tech class, and told me that of course I knew that I would start out in the HUC position and then once I was done with the scrub class that I would move into Scrub Tech (this means I would be assisting with cesarean sections) very interesting work, and a decent pay scale bump as well. Then she asked if I had any questions for her. I asked about the class and how long it would take, she never really answered me. She was thinking out loud at this point, trying to figure how she was going to fit me in for all this, and then I asked her when I might be contacted for start dates and such. Then the bombshell dropped....she looked at me with a rather pained expression and said,"I interviewed someone yesterday and offered her the position." I remained cool, calm, and collected, although I wanted nothing more than to run out of her office, screaming like a banshee, "NOT AGAIN!" then she said, "but....." my ears perked up, hope started to bubble from the depths...."the other candidate has another job on the weekends and doesn't want to work them. She has until Monday to accept or decline the offer." My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. She offered this person a job when they flat out said they would not work weekends.....WHAT THE.....and I got turned down after the first round because they 'thought' I might not be as available as I claimed to be???? HUH????? So, as all this contradiction is swirling in my brain, I look at her and ask her to clarify the position, after all, she did say 'techs'. She then informs me that that is the ONLY position she has available at this time and that if I don't make it in this time, that I will be at the top for next time in December/January. Oh heaven help me, does it never end???????? I feel like the proverbial horse with a carrot dangling in front of my nose. I feel seriously toyed with.
All of this occurred on the 22nd of October. I have still heard absolutely nothing. I am quite positive that if the other candidate had declined the offer, that I would have been offered the job already. So I really have no other choice than to accept the inevitable rejection. I have called the recruiter, I have called the interviewing nurse manager, and I have spoken with my current nurse manager. The first and latter of the above mentioned group know nothing and have heard nothing. The nurse manager I spoke with hasn't returned any of my calls. I don't feel I can continue to call her without making a complete pest of myself. So now I pull back, and wait...and wait..and wait.......and wait some more. Serious Frustration Inflicted....need I say more?
Monday, November 2, 2009
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