It is what every parent who allows a rodent into their home dreads. You go to check on said rodent (in our case rodentS) and it is missing, yes....MISSING!!!
Brenna had just returned home from her wonderful adventure in Virginia to find one of her furry friends absent from its home. We searched all over. These hamsters have escaped before, but that was because we thought a guinea pig cage made a good home. So....we looked, and looked, and looked some 'mouster'.
The rest of the family had given up, I was still poking around. I was checking the caller ID in my husband's office when I heard some faint scratching coming from the air vent in the floor. I shined a flashlight down there, but couldn't see anything, so I went down to my craft room which is directly underneath. I was listening for more scratching and scurrying so that I could locate where the hamster was hidden. As I walked over to flip on the light, I saw a set of whiskers sticking out of our air intake/furnace setup....
Can you say "lucky"???? She still was having an incredibly hard time getting out of the hole, so we had to enlarge it a bit and pull back the sharp edges with a pair of needlenose pliers. I went up and grabbed her baby, some food, and of camera! I was able to coax her out with her baby and the food bowl, which she gladly jumped into!
So....I have absolutely no idea how long she had been missing, or WHO helped her into her predicament. Noone in my house is 'fessing up. I am just grateful she was easy to find and that I didn't have to 'smell' her out if she ended up dying in our vents..................ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...that would have made scrapping extremely unpleasant!
Oo yes, that would have smelled horribly! Glad you found her alive!
im glad you found the little smelly thing, when i was little my hamster got out and found her way into a jar under the stairs anyway she never made it out we found her a year after, yuck.
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