Thursday, July 10, 2008

You Can't Win Them All...

Well folks, I guess it just isn't meant to be right now...The interview went awesome yesterday, everyone was really nice. But I guess it wasn't awesome enough because they sent me a rejection e-mail this morning. There were five positions open and six of us interviewing and what it came down to was that I hadn't worked in the medical field for 10 years and the other (very) young ladies had all just gotten their CNA's within the last year and were currently working in one facility or another. So....I've been sulking a bit, but I'll get over it! Someone in this town will see that just because I've been out of the field for 10 years doesn't mean I am out of the loop!!!


Anonymous said...

You got robbed. I'd much rather have you fuss over me when I'm in the hospital than some teeny-bopper.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sucks! I'm sorry. :(